We regularly train towards floor and vault competitions at our club and host several each year.

Learn more about how we train for competitions, entry fees and get info on our upcoming events.

Introduction to competitions

We are fortunate to be able to host competitions at one of our schools in Walsall, named Mayfield Preparatory School. Our competitions are positive and fun-focused, meaning we never sacrifice our gymnast’s mental wellbeing for competitions and always ensure the experience they have is as good as possible.

Competitions are held every other term on a Sunday towards the school holidays. Competitions are announced within the first month of term and are trained towards across the whole term. In the weeks leading up to a competition, it will become more of a focus for the sessions, but children will still get the full gymnastics experience each class as they will still be able to work on bars, beam and trampoline alongside their competition training.

Being able to give a competitive aspect to gymnastics for children as young as 4 years old is a point of pride for us as it means our children can get a headstart into the competing world of sport in a safe environment with plenty of encouragement. All of our competitions are non-compulsory as we understand that competing isn’t for everyone, although nervous gymnasts who have attended in the past have had a great time!

Competition day

Competition entry fees are £20.00 per child with £2.00 per spectator. Children under 12 years old and children who are competing may spectate for free. We are limited to 4 spectators per competing gymnast.

Upon arrival to the school, parking is available on the gravel car park or additional parking is available down by the sportshall after following the track down. Parking is extremely limited to we ask all parents/carers to car share where possible. Once parked, follow the signs for the ‘Hall Of The Olympians’. This is where your child will be competing.

Once inside, please register your child with the coach on the desk and wait outside the hall until it is your time to enter. We have several rounds in the competition and ask for parents/carers to bring their child for their start time, and no more than 5 minutes before.

After being invited inside the hall by a member of our team, please take a seat in the spectator area and send your gymnast to the left of the hall onto the warm up floor. Here they will work with another coach to warm up with a pulseraiser and stretch. Later on, gymnasts will be divided into two groups to get some practice at working on their floor routines and vault skill.

Next it will be time for the competition. Gymnasts will sit on the side of the floor and will come up to the competition floor one at a time to perform their vault for which they will have two attempts, with their best vault being taken as their score. After vault, we’ll move straight onto floor with gymnasts performing their routine one at a time. Gymnasts are judged by high-level coaches at the club, who all have Floor and Vault Judging qualifications. Most floor routines and vault skills are scored out of 10.0 points unless stated otherwise on the routine sheet.

Finally, scores are totalled, gymnasts have some time with their family to talk about how it went, and medals are awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd for their work on vault, and on floor. An overall competition winner is awarded with trophy for the highest combined score on floor and vault.

Although its lots of fun, it can also be nerve-racking for some gymnasts, and we take the following precautions to ensure gymnasts can be as relaxed and happy about the day as possible:

  • Applause and praise - We insist that all parents/carers follow the guidelines of the club when it comes to supporting your child in our competitions. We understand adults will want their child to perform to the best of their ability, but will not tolerate unnecessary pressure being put on gymnasts when competing. Gymnasts will be applauded on their entry to compete in their event and after competing their routine or skill unless its requested otherwise by their parent/carer.

  • Coach support - Dotted around the competition floor are our familiar coaching team. Armed with the floor routines your child is demonstrating, our coaches will occasionally whisper a skill to a child who is stuck in the middle of the floor. This means children feel far less embarrassment if they forget a skill.

  • Awards - All children receive a certificate for their efforts in the competition regardless of where they place. Its extremely important to our club that children are praised for trying their best and being brave.

  • Final decision - The decision to compete is our gymnasts, and we will not force anyone to compete who changes their mind. We may try to encourage them to give it a go but in the end will respect the decision of the child and their parent/carer.

Judging, routines and scoring

Competitions are judged by multiple experienced coaches from Active Gym who have all had ample competition judging experience and/or qualifications awarded to them by British Gymnastics. The judges are the most qualified people to score the gymnasts on the event day. Their result is final and we ask that it is respected. Please remember that our competitions are designed to give the children a competitive experience, a goal to work towards and an opportunity to have fun and demonstrate their skills to their peers and grown ups.

Gymnasts at Active Gym are judged how they would be in any gymnastics competition. They are awarded points for difficulty and points for execution. The judges then watch the routines and deduct points dependent on the errors they make as they compete.

The deductions taken are:

Minus 0.1 - minor error - e.g. toes flexed, hands raised, bent legs, legs apart etc.

Minus 0.3 - medium error - e.g. mixing up order of skills, lack of control, not reaching the full height of the skill (i.e. handstand), using hands to stand up (i.e. forwards roll).

Minus 0.5 - major error - e.g. failing to complete the skill, forgetting/missing a skill, stepping off the competition floor.

There are also penalties given at the judges discretion for rushing the routine and lacking flow through a sequence of skills.

Gymnasts who compete with the Basic routine have an easier routine to complete. This means they are less likely to make errors, meaning they would get less deductions.

Gymnasts who compete with the Complex routine have a harder routine to complete. This means they are more likely to make errors, meaning they would get more deductions. As their routine is more difficult, their starting score is higher. Usually by 0.5 points or 1.0 points more than the Basic routine.

We offer a range of routines to allow the children to work towards a routine that suits them, and to challenge our more experienced gymnasts who could feel limited by the Basic routine. Gymnasts who train the Basic routine and Complex routine compete against one another in the predfined age groupings. This creates a very exciting and competitive competition. We have had winners in floor, vault and all-round that have been competing with the Basic routines and winners who have been competing with the Complex routines.

Upcoming competitions

Spring Competition 2024

  • 4-6 years old (A)

    4-6 years old (B)

    7-9 years old (A)

    7-9 years old (B)

    10+ years old

    This is the age your child is on the day of the competition.

  • Held on Sunday the 10th of March at Mayfield Preparatory School, Walsall.

    4-6 years group (A) - 09:00 arrival

    4-6 years group (B) - 10:30 arrival

    7-9 years group (A) - 12:30 arrival

    7-9 years group (B) - 14:00 arrival

    10+ years - 15:30 arrival

    Gymnasts aged 4 to 6 years and 7 to 9 years will be randomly divided into two groups (A) and (B).

  • £20.00 per competing gymnast payable by cash only.

    £2.00 per spectator (max 4 per gymnast) payable by cash only.

  • During sessions in mid-January gymnasts will be handed a competition entry slip. This contains specific information about the competition and important information regarding your child.

    This form will need to be filled in and returned with the full cash payment by Sunday the 11th of February at the latest for your child to enter.

Routines - Spring 2024

  • Routine sheet

    Videos for guidance available via WhatsApp, please contact 07825216496.

    ‘Basic’ routines are scored from a starting score of 9.0 and are easier to complete.

  • Routine sheet

    Videos for guidance available via WhatsApp, please contact 07825216496.

    ‘Complex’ routines are scored from a higher starting score of 10.0 and are harder to complete.

  • Routine sheet

    Videos for guidance available via WhatsApp, please contact 07825216496.

    ‘Basic’ routines are scored from a starting score of 9.0 and are easier to complete.

  • Routine sheet

    Videos for guidance available via WhatsApp, please contact 07825216496.

    ‘Complex’ routines are scored from a higher starting score and are harder to complete.

  • Routine sheet

    Videos for guidance available via WhatsApp, please contact 07825216496.

    ‘Basic’ routines are scored from a lower starting score and are easier to complete.

  • Routine sheet

    Videos for guidance available via WhatsApp, please contact 07825216496.

    ‘Complex’ routines are scored from a higher starting score and are harder to complete.

  • Mayfield Preparatory School

    Sutton Road


    WS1 2PD

  • Limited on-site parking (car share recommended) and wheelchair accessible venue. Limited seating for spectators, warm up floor and competition floor are all provided in this centre.

  • Park for free on the gravel car park and follow the signs for the ‘Hall Of The Olympians’. Check your child in with the coach on the front desk and they will confirm your start time and where to go next.